Georg Mosbacher : Welcome

Welcome to our home page.
We hope you will enjoy browsing through our homepage and discovering more about our winery.

The Mosbachers and Düringers

„...Great value across the board."

Anne Krebiehl, MW, „The Wines of Germany" 2019

16 to 18 March 2025 // Prowein Düsseldorf

We will again be represented as a winery at ProWein this year. ProWein in Düsseldorf is always an important event for us, giving us the opportunity to meet our customers from near and far and to make new contacts.

  • ProWein Düsseldorf
  • ProWein Düsseldorf, 16. bis 18. März, Halle 1

Our FairChoice certification

Since the beginning of this year, we have been delighted to receive sustainability certification from FairChoice!

  • FairChoice Logo

November 2024 // Press reviews and ratings of the 2023 vintage

We are delighted with the positive reviews that our wines from the 2023 vintage have received from wine critics.

  • Wine cork

October 2024 // Done: Harvest 2024 completed

We successfully completed our grape harvest of 2024 on 4 October after 29 days of picking. Many thanks to our dedicated harvest team and all our employees for their active help and the good work they have all done over the past few weeks.

Vintage team 2024

WeinLetter #78: PIWI special - Interview with Jürgen Düringer

PIWI varieties are fungus-resistant grape varieties and have been a topic at our winery since 2011. Philipp Bohn from WeinLetter interviews Jürgen Düringer about our winery's experience with these grape varieties and their potential.

WeinLetter #78: PIWI Special, Part 1: When will the first PIWI Grand Cru, VDP?

Read interview

  • PIWI-Trauben des Weinguts Mosbacher: Die lockere Struktur des Cabernet Blanc schützt vor Fäulnis

    PIWI grapes from the Mosbacher winery: the loose structure of the Cabernet Blanc protects against rotting

May 2024 // Wine tasting days at our winery (review)

In a relaxed atmosphere and good weather, we welcomed many guests to taste and buy wine. The Trattoria Cardinale catered for the physical well-being with pizza and pasta from the food truck.

  • Tasting days at the Georg Mosbacher winery

New hall construction in Forst

In 2021/22, we expanded our winery in terms of buildings and built a new hall for storage and outdoor production on the outskirts of Forst, around 1 km from our headquarters.

  • Hallenneubau Weingut Georg Mosbacher
  • Construction of a new hall at the Georg Mosbacher winery

3 February 2021 // Online interview with Norwegian journalist Ulf Dalheim

In current times without travel, we meet wine journalists online, in Zoom meetings.
The result of the meeting with Ulf Dalheim from Trondheim is a detailed article published in Norway in his magazine (unfortunately only in Norwegian).
Our wines available in Norway are also described in detail.

to the article on

New winery brochure published

Even in the age of the "digital", we see a print brochure as a haptic supplement to communicate our work and philosophy to you. We find this wonderfully "old-fashioned".

Take a curious look inside and open the brochure as an ePaper. On your next visit to us in Forst, we will then be pleased to hand it over to you.

Open brochure as ePaper

  • Winery brochure
  • Winery brochure

January 2019 // Tasting notes by Rod Smith from the Riviera Wine Academy

The seminar week of the Master of Wine students began with a welcome evening in our winery. It was a pleasure to welcome the students in our winery and to taste some wines together. Rod Smith from the Riviera Wine Academy and one of only 380 Masters of Wine worldwide summed up the evening and wrote down his tasting notes.

read article on

Förderung durch die EU, Bund und Land

Kofinanzierung durch Land und Bund im Rahmen der GAK

mehr Infos...

EU-Förderung Förderung durch das Land Rheinland-Pfalz Förderung durch den Bund

Förderung von Kommune, Land, Bund, EU

Unser Unternehmen 'Weingut Georg Mosbacher' kofinanziert und fördert durch erhebliche Zahlungen von Steuern und Abgaben im Rahmen seiner Tätigkeiten als landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb die Ausgaben von Kommune, Land, Bund und EU.

Logo Weingut Georg Mosbacher

Wir sind Mitglied im VDPWine in Moderation - Wein bewusst genießen.Vinissma Frauen & Wein e.V.FairChoice Zertifizierung

VDP Prädikatsweingut