Press reviews : 2023

Ursus Fine Riesling List

An international jury tasted 100 top dry wines from the 2021 vintage for the URSUS FINE Riesling List.

Our 2021 UNGEHEUER Forst Riesling GG took 3rd place here. This was published in FINE.das Weinmagazin, issue 3/2023 and in the NZZ.

to the article in Bellevue / NZZ

Tasting description: ‘Vibrant aromas of yellow fruit, underpinned by dried herbs, arouse curiosity for the first sip. And then the great cinema begins - all the fullness and density of a Riesling from red sandstone, masterfully shaped by the taut, integrated acidity. This is creamy and lean at the same time, the new classic from the Mittelhaardt.’

From: FINE issue 3/2023 p. 44

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