

Our FairChoice certification

Since the beginning of this year, we have been delighted to receive sustainability certification from FairChoice!

  • FairChoice Logo

We have been cultivating our vineyards according to organic guidelines since 2012. Avoiding the use of chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilisers is a matter of course for us. We actively contribute to the preservation of biodiversity in our vineyards by sowing species-rich greenery, specifically promoting beneficial insect populations and installing nesting boxes. These measures create a healthy, natural ecosystem that promotes the biodiversity of plants and animals in our vineyards.

We also attach great importance to resource conservation and sustainability in wine production itself. By utilising rainwater, using energy-saving machines and using lightweight glass bottles, we are able to save water and CO2 and thus reduce our ecological footprint. By using renewable energy from our own photovoltaic system, we produce part of the energy we use ourselves. These are just some of the things we have already implemented at our winery. We look forward to working on further goals in the future.

The FairChoice certification confirms our consistent commitment to ecological and social responsibility.

Information on FairChoice certification at

View certificate (PDF)


Wir sind Mitglied im VDPWine in Moderation - Wein bewusst genießen.Vinissma Frauen & Wein e.V.FairChoice Zertifizierung

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