Winery : Philosophy

From the very outset the winery 'Georg Mosbacher' has strived for the highest quality combined with continuous attention to the needs of nature. The vineyards are cultivated according to the guidelines of certified environmentally-friendly winegrowing: herbicides are not used at all and fertilisers only following examination and testing of the soil. Furthermore, beneficial plants and insects are protected and vegetation is planted between the rows of vines.

The foundation for high-quality wines lies in the vineyard itself and so we limit the maximum yield from our vines with reduction pruning in the spring. Intensive greenery management, thinning out in the summer and selective grape picking by hand result in the best harvest possible every year. The subsequent careful development and processing of the wines in the cellars preserves the typical character which the soil has given to our grapes. The results are fine wines with an unmistakable fruitiness and a fresh and lively character.

Our quality-orientated winegrowing is highly praised in a large number of publications. In the magazines 'Gault Millau', 'The Feinschmecker' , 'Vinum', 'Alles über Wein', to name but a few, our wines are regarded as some of 'the finest available in the Palatinate region'. The magazine 'DM' lists us amongst the top 100 best wine estates of Germany.

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